Client MembersNetworkComms.Net Help
The Client type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateProxyToIdInstance I 
Creates a remote proxy to an object with a specific identifier implementing the supplied interface with the specified server
Public methodStatic memberCreateProxyToPrivateInstance I 
Creates a remote proxy instance for the desired interface with the specified server and object identifier. Instance is private to this client in the sense that no one else can use the instance on the server unless they have the instanceId returned by this method
Public methodStatic memberCreateProxyToPublicNamedInstance I 
Creates a remote proxy instance for the desired interface with the specified server and object identifier. Instance is public in sense that any client can use specified name to make calls on the same server side object
Public methodStatic memberDestroyRPCClient
Causes the provided IRPCProxy instance to be disposed
Public methodStatic memberRemoteCallClient
Private method for simplifying the remote procedure call. I don't want to write this in IL!!
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Public propertyStatic memberDefaultRPCTimeout
The default timeout period in ms for new RPC proxies. Default value is 1000ms
Public propertyStatic memberRPCInitialisationTimeout
The timeout period allowed for creating new RPC proxies
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See Also